Now that you have interest peaked, keep up this positive image inside of your house as well. When a potential buyer walks into your home for the first time, expect them to be critical of every little detail. Do not become defensive of this, it’s a natural reaction. Instead be ready for it. The old saying that I was told when I first started real estate was “Light, Bright, And White sells”. So if you are planning on painting or remodeling your home before you sell it try to stay with brighter, neutral colors. Keeping your house clean is very important. Buyers will be paying special attention to the baseboard, doorjambs, and windowsills. Make sure you pay special attention to all the nooks and crannies of your home, and consider repainting rooms that are starting to look a little rough. Make your carpets and floors look as new as you can. Shampooing carpets to get out dirt and stains will give your floor a fresh cared for look. The two most important rooms in the house are the kitchen and the bathroom. These rooms are often the most looked at rooms in the buying process. Make sure tiles and grout are clean and in good repair. Bleach the tub and sink in order to make them sparkling white. If you have a dripping faucet, repair it. Make sure the tub and toilet are clean and free of molds and mildews. Consider re-caulking if needed.